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Letter who

   Letter writing program- PenPal

  Every months Lifters will be sending out 10 letters from customers to who (we will randomly choose 10 customers as the addressee). The letter can be questions about God's words, your testimony, your suffers, anything you would like to share with a sister/brother you don't know. 



Letter writing and receiving are the wonderful things to do, a traditional way to connect with one another. With "Letter who" program you may receive a surprise in your mailbox, and your letter can be doubled gifts to someone.


"Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. "      Philippians 2:2


   How to participate? 

We will have 2 sign up forms each month, one is for writing the letter and other is for receive the letter. At the end of each month we will draw 10 participants from both lists. (postage is covered) All letter will be hand written by Lifters Team unless you made a connection with another and have the address. We will not share who got selected for each month, so be surprise!   

  • To write - Write anything you want expect non-friendly letters. You can choose to leave your address for reply or not. You can give out your real name or not. 
  • To receive - You have to give us your real address. You can reply through us or send back a letter if you have the address. 

Here is the link to sign up for this month, due every 25th of the month: 

To write:

To receive:

If you have any questions please contact us. We will walk together, blessed!